Playing slots at a casino requires a degree of etiquette, and there are a few things you should avoid doing. Respect towards other slot players will go a long way towards not annoying seasoned players and avoiding complaints. Here we take a look at the way you should behave when playing slot machines at a casino.

Have a Short Break Once in a While

It’s okay to take breaks in the world of slot machines. No one will argue if you want to grab a bite to eat or use the restroom; however, you should keep your breaks short. Plan to have a 15-minute break. Otherwise, you risk annoying other players who may want to play on your machine. If you think you will be longer than that, it’s best not to hold the slot in your absence. You should also learn how to signal your break correctly, so your machine isn’t taken over while you are away. You can do that by slightly leaning your stool onto the device. By doing that, you will find your machine undisturbed and ready once you return from your break. Another option is to leave an unimportant item on the slot screen. That way, you are signaling that you are on a break.

Do Not Sit Down if You Aren’t Playing

One of the most useful tips for slot etiquette is not to sit in front of a slot machine unless you’re playing it. That is particularly relevant if the casino is busy; however, you should follow it all the time. When you sit on a stool without playing the slot, you may be stopping someone else from playing there. It may be a bit tempting to take a break and grab a seat, but rather than sitting in front of a slot, you should head towards the casino lobby or bar. If a friend is actively playing, but you aren’t, then you should stand close by instead of sitting near them.

Tipping Etiquette

Many people are aware of tipping at a casino; however, many others aren’t. If you are playing slots at a casino, you should ensure that tipping is part of your casino experience. Whether a dealer or a server, many casino employees work solely for tips. When you play slot machines, there is a chance a server approaches you offering free drinks. While free drinks are a casino benefit, you should remember to tip the drink servers. A rule of thumb is a $1 tip per drink since tips are a significant portion of the income servers make. It is essential to tip them for the service they provide.

After all, the beverage is free, so at least you can tip them for bringing it. If you are a regular player at casinos, you will know that tipping the staff now and then is good etiquette. Although there aren’t any dealers at the slot machines, if you win a sizeable jackpot paid to you by hand, you should tip the slot attendant who comes to pay you out. You should consider tipping around $10 to $20 for every $1,000 win with the jackpot. If you win a $2,000 jackpot, then tip between $20 and $40 to the attendant. While it isn’t mandatory to tip, it will be appreciated enormously by the slot attendant.

Smoking Courtesy Towards Others

If the casino permits smoking, you are welcome to smoke in designated areas. However, you must also be considerate to fellow slot players. A little consideration for other players will go a long way. Not everyone accepts cigarette smoke; therefore, regarding slot smoking etiquette, you shouldn’t blow smoke in the direction of other players. Moreover, you should always use an ashtray rather than flicking your ashes on the floor. You should keep an ashtray beside your slot machine.

Etiquette While Playing Multiple Games

If you ate an advanced slot player, you might want to play more than one at a time. If it’s a slow night at the casino, that’s fine. You could even play as many as three slots simultaneously, which is acceptable if you come across a set of free slot machines at a casino. However, if the casino is busy, it is a practice you would do better to avoid. You should play multiple slot games if you notice other players are waiting to play. That way, you are courteous to other slot players.

Interaction with Casino Staff

Unfortunately, casino patrons often have inadequate interaction with casino employees. Many players feel they can show disrespect to casino employees, both to dealers and servers. Ultimately, you should treat casino staff like human beings and with respect. Being polite will go a long way. If you demand things and become aggressive towards them, don’t expect them to help you. Even if you have a burning issue, do your best to retain your composure. Casino workers are usually willing to assist you if you are polite.

Interaction With Other Slot Players

You should aim to treat fellow slot players politely and with respect. That’s easier said than done, and slot players often get into disputes with other players. Occasionally, things may become heated between slot players. If that happens, it’s better to remove yourself from the situation if possible. If you can’t do that, then immediately seek a casino employee to help resolve the dispute. Keep calm throughout the argument so you won’t act like a fool.

Do Not Hover Around Slot Machines

If there is a slot machine you want to play with that is currently occupied, you should wait for your turn patiently. You should never hover too close to someone playing a game. You can hang out in the area; however, avoid getting too close to that player. Place yourself in the player’s shoes and think about how you would feel if someone is hovering too close to you.

Keep Your Surroundings Neat

When playing slot machines at a casino, you must keep your immediate environment neat and tidy. Try to avoid spilling drinks and dropping food while you are at a slot machine. If you smoke, make sure your ashes go in the ashtray instead of all over the floor. You could do a general cleanup of the area before leaving. Moreover, pick up any trash or anything that makes the place untidy and disorganized. Ideally, the location should be left the same or in better shape than before you arrived.